We Are Marching To The Kingdom
It has been a powerful 10 days. I am now home and although I am happy to be with my guys again, I have so many thoughts swirling in my head that I am finding it hard to really settle in. My suitcase sits in the hall still fully packed as I attempt to unpack my heart and mind.
I make every attempt to live in the moment. To experience life as it is meant to be experienced, with all five senses and I choose not be behind a camera trying to capture every moment. With that said I also felt it was important to capture some part of this important moment in history so I compiled my efforts, as meager as they are, so I can share them with you.
SC Enterprise. I feel like I was on a voyage with a crew of amazing people. For ten days we sang, prayed, studied, consulted, acted, and reflected. We fellowshiped and united by our passion and love for Baha'u'llah, prepared to reinvigorate the spiritual energy of my home state of South Carolina. I felt the entire time like my hopes, dreams, and faith in the people of South Carolina were realized in the creation of so powerful an enterprise.
The 10 days were characterized by song, filled with spontaneity, capturing the combined spiritual fervor of all who were there. We learned about the deep history of the Baha'i Faith in South Carolina, with its victories, crisises, and sacrifices. Learning of the past helped us to understand the shoulders on which we stand. It helped me to recognize the enormity of the redemption that the process of spiritual education offered by the Training Institute and the Core Activities will bring to this sorely tried state.
Although I have completed the Ruhi sequence of study, I gained so much more understanding and appreciation for the purposes and actions related to each in the context of transformation at the level of the neighborhood. Study left me feeling excited and antsy to get going!!
One opportunity to apply the practice of devotions arose out of tragedy. One the evening of our first day, 9 people were killed by a young man in Charleston. The 9 people were black and the shooter white. He planned the attack for the anniversary of the slave uprising led by Denmark Vessey. The travesty of the deaths were felt near and far and reached our hearts at Louis Gregory. After some study the following day, by mid afternoon, an idea was suggested that we see what the Baha'i community was doing to respond. We learned of a devotional that was going to be held and after a quick consultation we decided we'd drive the 2 hours to Charleston to join them. The most powerful part of the devotional for me, was that each person shared how they felt or were impacted by the tragedy. People truly shared from their heart and we were there to listen to youth from the neighborhood near the church who were directly affected by this senseless act of hate. Prayers went up and comfort came down and our hearts were lightened so we could go forth with the work we are now tasked with undertaking. The drive home, we sang and laughed, and I could not help but to think that this is what it was like for those youth who came to South Carolina 40 years ago and saw thousands of people become Baha'is.
I felt so blessed to have the opportunity to serve alongside two groups of people in outreach efforts.
In Conway,confirmations after confirmations were showered as Destiny, Jillian, Fran, Darnel, Khadijih and I knocked on doors inviting folks to be a part of this learning process. The response was positive and learning happened at each door. Whether the door was opened or not, the people behind them were open to conversation or not, we learned. The group was able to follow up with the property manager who was so open to having the Junior Youth program.
In Hemingway, I did follow up with a group. The initial outreach resulted in a very strong interest in the Youth Movement and the Junior Youth program. We were welcomed back to present the program to the youth at the Boys and Girls club. Our team spent time preparing, consulting, and praying for this amazing opportunity. When Mady, Darnel, Destiny and I arrived, the youth and junior youth were in a recreation room where games and socializing was happening. We were definitely looked out with suspicion. That suspicion quickly gave way to interest as we taught them a song and sang with them. I had the honor of meeting with the junior youth separately. We talked about service and I taught them a line dance I choreographed 40 minutes earlier. I had goosebumps the whole time. I miss teaching dance and particularly teaching young people. There is an enthusiasm and openness that speaks to my soul. It reminded me that this was my first love and my first act of service when I was a youth myself. When we joined the youth group, the atmosphere was a lot more welcoming. As the conversation was wrapping up, some of the youth requested singing the song again, "Beautify Your Tongues". Five youth arose with enthusiasm and confidence to step into the field of service as animators. The group followed up with the interested youth and they are ready to start NOW. They will be meeting on Sunday at Burger King to plan for training.
In Florence, my hometown, I was teamed with a local believer as we went to visit the homes of people who had declared 40 years ago. We found some people were not home, one had moved, and another had passed away. Nancy and my visit with one elderly Baha'i was so filled with love, spiritual conversation, and friendliness that I left with a joyous heart. It looks like I will be accompanying my mother in her neighborhood in Florence. I am so excited!
Now I am home in Raleigh. Clothes have been washed, groceries bought, books read with my son, meals prepared and eaten, and in between I have written and unpacked my heart and mind. Tomorrow I get to go to Charlotte to accompany a community that is having their first Children's Class Teacher gathering in a very long time. This week I meet with the neighborhood Youth Movement team as we lay out the final plans for youth outreach to start next week. This week I will meet with my mom and local friends as we plan for follow up in her neighborhood which may include starting a Children's class and a devotional. Monday I see my junior youth and I look forward to it as I have missed them! The work keeps on keeping on. We are marching to the kingdom!