When An Angel Works on Your Behalf
Nahara has been a very busy little angel. Not long after my conversation with my friend Windi (Refer to post: Oct 31, 2015) I began to say prayers for her assistance. She brought an opportunity to her father at work that, although it was a short experience, exposed him to some people high up in the company. Who knows what seeds were planted to be benefited from later!
In my life, she has moved things. She has moved me. I have no idea where to start with everything that has come to me. I guess to start, within 2 days I received three very obvious pushes towards becoming more dedicated to building an arts organization starting with Latin Dance. One was in the form of a conversation where a friend suddenly asked if I would be interested in working with him on creating a webinar. I had already started contemplating this! The second came in the form of a phone call/life coach appointment with a friend. When asked what I was thinking about how to integrate life coaching, the dance angle came up and I could see so clearly a path forward. The third might as well have been a huge sign placed in front of my face. It came in the form of an unexpected phone call from someone I had not spoken to in years. A former dance student that had become a friend was calling to ask if I would be willing to help build the Latin Dance community in Myrtle Beach again.
Things have moved so quickly. So quickly. I have learned valuable lessons. I started out with a simple idea to teach classes which ballooned into offering a weekend of activities. The first weekender had so many significant pitfalls but I kept reminding myself that this was not about me. That I have been led to do this and in everything there is a lesson. So I kept my cool. Spoke with people with honesty and respect and as a result, developed connections with folks. I saw how intentions can be very different when working with others and have had to have very difficult conversations to maintain justice and truthfulness.
I have learned to constantly come back to my vision. To focus on my goal. I have prayed constantly to remind myself that this was moved by the Divine and the Divine will guide me. As such, obstacles have been removed, opportunities placed before me, and I am constantly seeing how coherent this experience has been when looking at the rest of my life. The lessons learned are easily applied to other areas of my life and all that I do is in the spirit of service.
I have been to an initial Life Coaching training which proved to be very useful and I am now looking at ways to integrate it with the Latin Dance. I will be attending a gratitude training that I feel will unlock so many closed doors inside of me.
I have learned that it is attachment to this organization that leads to fear, jealousy, envy, anger and resentment. I have to keep moving forward with detachment, perception, in a spirit of service and keep my eyes on the vision. So, now I pray. I pray for guidance. I pray for detachment. I pray that obstacles be removed and opportunities to help me know how to move forward are placed before me.
Thank you Nahara. I see you in all of this and I feel you moving beside me my love.
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