Sunday, May 20, 2018

Re-Adjusting: When the Business Takes Over

I have been waking up with anxiety crazy early in the morning for awhile now. I have prayed. I have read. I have watched tv. Yet, this feeling still persists. Maybe, just maybe, I have come to it in today's early morning hours. My business has been all consuming. I have sacrificed more than I have been recompensed. I have sacrificed in areas I shouldn't have. I have sacrificed without thinking. I think for a sacrifice to be productive and not damaging, is when it is done with full understanding and mindfulness. I also have sacrificed wrongly because I have been unwilling to recognize my worth monetarily and  the skills I have honed over many years.

For this business of mine to truly flourish I can no longer sacrifice without thought and with low self-esteem. I have to face the reality of my life. I am not young. I am not a young mother. All the years when I could have put everything into this business have passed. I am not single. I am not without a child. I cannot go full forward on my vision. Not at this time and maybe never. I have spent many long years feeling like there was more for me to be doing. That I was not living to my potential. This feeling has kept me in a constant search for fulfillment but no longer. I do not have the time as I once did. I now have someone to raise to know and love God.

So, I will just focus on what I have now as a hobby/part-time gig. No kids program. No seniors program. No multi-space for classes and events. Just focus on growing what I have now and look no further. If something doesn't fall within the parameters of what my current business can handle, then it won't be done.

In Myrtle Beach, 2 socials a month with monthly intensives. In Florence, 2 socials monthly with weekly classes on Thursday and Wednesday. Have guest instructors come less often. The only thing I feel the need to develop and expand are the review videos and how to create a habit of practice between classes with instructor support. That is it.


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