Sunday, October 26, 2008


It is funny. I didn't really notice Fall until I was in Korea. Fall is so beautiful there and I am beginning to miss my other home. I knew it would happen eventually. My Korean sister Sopia has gotten married and I really wanted to be there. Anyway, I digress, Fall. In Korea, the mountains are on afire with color and brilliance. The weather has become cooler and I must say there is a different energy in the air. It is contemplative and a silence after loud, boisterious summer. It is called the Season of Lovers because it is the best time to go for a walk or a hike or a road triip with your sweet heart.

I am noticing Fall here and I am surprised that I hadn't before. When I am driving down some of the country roads, which is pretty often, I am the only car on the road amongst all the colors of the changing leaves. In my travels around my home state I have driven down some truly beautiful stretches of road. I will actually choose the scenic route over a shorter less beauiful one because it makes the drive go faster.

Fall, since Korea, has become my season of shedding, death, change whatever you want to call it. I usually go through some major shifts internally and start getting rid of old patterns, habits, truths that may have served me well at one time but don't any longer. This past month has been very intense for me in that way. The mental tests that the Writings speak of are not only external sources but mostly internal ones. I think when I was younger I didn't really understand what was meant by "mental tests" but I certainly do now. It is amazing all of the self degrading thoughts and patterns that a person can adopt when they are children. I have a much deeper and profound respect for the sacredness of parentling now.

The exciting thing is that now I am starting to shed things so I get to replace old patterns with new ones and I get to be a big part in what those patterns will be. Right now I am in the middle of things and though it has been hard but I can see the end.


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