Monday, May 07, 2012

A Gentle Reminder

The days are passing. Some slowly. Some quickly. I don't want to get so caught up in the passage of days that I don't live fully in the present. My present is this: my students love me and are growing in leaps and bounds; I am getting new inspiration for dance class moves; I have been able to stick to my gluten free diet; I need to find a place to do yoga or just start on my own; I need to start meditating in the morning and evening; I need to look at dates for traveling and seeing the rest of the UAE; intentionally cherish the moments with friends I have made here; and continue to honor and pursue the intuitive whispers in my heart. Be in the present. Be mindful of the blessings and live in gratitude for everyday I am allowed to wake up and breathe...for every opportunity to grow. Stop being frustrated by the lack of initiative, communication, interest my husband demonstrates while being far away. Don't let this cloud and poison the remaining days I have here. Focus on those who do care and wish to share their lives with me and show an interest in mine. Try to stay positive.

Prepare for the future while living fully in the present. Be ever mindful that the choices I am making now will play some part in my life's journey that is too far away for me to see. Make an effort not to squander this time for something in me says that it is precious. Although I am ready to leave this blank desert with its harsh people, there is still a sacred feeling to what I have experienced here.

At present, it is time to go to sleep!!!


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