Thursday, January 11, 2007

Answered Prayer

Without a doubt I have great hopes for this year. During my vacation last week I said a prayer that was answered 30 minutes after I said it. I will have to post this prayer on my blog for any folks who want to use it. It is a prayer for prosperity with the hopes of serving mankind. It is called "The Prayer for Jabaz" and can actually be found in the Bible. It was a prayer given to me years ago by a beautiful, wise and fierce woman. I haven't said it often but everytime I have, the prayer was answered. I notice that when I say it without any intention and with openess to the Will of God, I get what I need. I will be starting a new job in March that is a major salary increase, with less time, opportunities to seek other forms of income, three months of paid vacation and my Korean sister asked me to be her roommate at minimal cost to me.

I am beginning to really think about what more I can do now that I will have the time and the finances. I feel like God has made it abundantly clear that this is where He wants me to be. I am trying to figure out graduate school. I want to do it in the States but it seems that going back for any length of time just isn't in the Plan. I have planned to go back to the States a few times during the years I have been here but everytime I pray with God's Will as my guide, I end up staying here.

I am also involved as a tutor in a DYNAMIC study circle group! I will have to write more about that one at another time cuz it calls for special attention. By staying here I get to continue with this group which is a direct service to the Baha'i community here.

So I will be back in the States for a month in August. I imagine it will be a crazy time for visiting those dear to my heart, getting essentials I can't find here, and getting my full of soul food and Substation II.


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