The Itis

Yes, folks were ready to knock out after our SCRUMPTILIOUS soul food feast. Everybody came with the food so good there were long stretches of silence. At one point sista Camille said, "Did we bless the food?" which Azikiwe replied, "I think we are blessing it now!"...yes, it was a night of good food, good company, good conversation, good laughs...we watched "The Boondocks"(spelling?).
Another dinner will be coming up in we are already thinking of that one!

Wow this is totally random but I was looking through your blog and I think I know your brother!?! I lost contact with him forever and a year ago, and I was searching through your blog which was encouraging me because I am living abroad for my first time... ok I'm gonna stop rambling however thank you for writing this and tell Vahid that Anne Oredeko says hi from Oglethorpe he might not remember me...
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