Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Preparation to Go Back Stateside

Okay, now I don't know what is up but this convergence of people who I have been out of touch with, now getting in touch. It is CRAZY!!!

Okay, here is the list.

I was recently in touch with an ex which was fruitful in that is helped to complete the healing process. YEAH!

My best friend from college, who I originally planned to come to Korea with but didn't, is back in Korea. We reconnected on my birthday. This was incredible because I found out she is my soul's twin and as usual, we have a very deep connection. She also has me all ready to go to Prague to take a CELTA certification course offered by Cambridge University. Um, yeah, so I will be in Prague for a month before getting back to the States.

Then, an ex from maybe 8 years ago, got in contact with me out of the blue! He says to me that I was the one person who helped him the most on his path towards wisdom and that he misses our friendship! Ummmm, WOW!

Then last but not least, another dear friend, Larry Church, contacted me suddenly with simply, "This is Larry Church. Where in the world are you?!" We have yet to talk but I am looking forward to lots of laughter!

All this happened within the last week or two. I am very sensitive to timing and how events connect with what is happening in my life at the time. At this time of transitions -spiritual, emotional and physical- being in contact with all of these people who played significant roles in my life is important. It seems that all of the loose ends are being tied off and I am being reconnected with those who are my soul's consorts. It's as if I am being prepared for my return to the States.


Blogger mykgerard said...

Wow. that is so cool... I hate when people get lost in the sea of life. The only good about that is when they come back into our lives.

5:07 AM  

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