Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thanks Max..Good Going Jim

Can I just say that although the "hakwon" system here could use an major overhaul, the children are AWESOME!!!

Yeah, my classes are getting so much better. My new kindergarten students were allowed to just play around with their previous teacher and now they have this teacher, me, who expects them to pay attention..and not after calling their names 10 times either. They seem to really be settling in well and are getting used to the routine. I am beginning to see that children really do prefer to have some idea of what is expected of them and like to have reachable expectations. They are playing together better. Using more English in class. Are listening better. Are alot more considerate and polite.

One student, Max, said to me, while he was changing into his slippers,
"Hair very pretty."
"Did you say my hair is pretty?"
"No, not your hair is pretty, everything is very pretty."
"Oh, so you mean all of me?"
"Yes, Ms. Adalia."
"Thank you very much Max. That was a kind thing to say. Now, make sure to hang up your coat."

Then another student, Jim, during a Manners and Ettiquette lesson where there is a picture showing a boy stealing something, says, "He is not being peaceful." I am using virtues with my classroom ground rules and "Peacefulness" is one of the virtues...WOW!!! He understood and then made the connection. I was so proud of him...I am beginning to realise, really, that children do pay attention to everything and learn from what they see and experience.


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