Friday, July 01, 2005

Day's Overview

Well I sent off my passport to get more visa pages put in. I truly hope that it doesn't take too long. Today was a very busy day at work. There was a huge rush of patients following lunch. It was crazy but time passed quickly.

I did something last night that I was contemplating doing for awhile. I told the guy that has gone to Korea that I don't want to maintain a friendship with him when I get there. It was so hard for me to do and in me there is something that is still wondering if I did the right thing but simply the fact that I have been going back and forth made it important that I made a decision and that I stick with it. I will be forced to now because I don't know where he is and I don't have a number for him. I tried being friends with him while he was here and it made things worse for me. I really haven't been able to have the space I need to adjust and move on. I am remembering now that when I was seeing one of my therapists I was diagnosed with adjustment anxiety. Maybe this is part of the reason why I have to have a complete severing for awhile. Anyway, what's done is done and I am at peace with it.

Tonight I talked with some friends about a couple of business ventures that look very promising. I will supply updates as time goes by...right now I will keep the particulars to myself ;)


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