Thursday, June 16, 2005

? 2 Ponder

Okay, there is this guy (isn't that a great line!!) that I was involved with in a pseudo relationship. I call it pseudo because things got so confusing and he never really opened up. My question is, if a person knows they aren't ready for a relationship, why initiate anything or give indications that there is a possibility? Tell me if I am wrong but this seems very selfish and dishonest to me.
Me being the person that I am, takes full responsibility for the fact that I let myself be vulnerable without taking the time to know the guy's true intentions. I am coming to realise that this is one of my many flaws. I give too much too soon to people who don't deserve to look into my soul.
Now we really haven't talked for a couple of weeks. I have some questions for him but things have changed so much. He has become arguementative and I do not know if that is how he really is and he was not being himself before or if he is behaving like this because he now has an even bigger wall up. The funny thing is that he seemed to expect me to be vulnerable but not himself. Having said this, do I ask him the questions or just let the whole thing go?


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