Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Phone Calls to Forgiveness

There is something strange and mysterious about time. It has to be controlled by God. Every once and awhile we stumble into what is obviously a God-sent moment. Some would argue that every moment, every breath is a gift from God, and I would have to agree. Yet, there are those small miracles of time that stand out. I had one this morning. In a previous posting I wrote of needing to forgive my father. I have agonized over this for years. I have gone back and forth on how and what to do. I have been afraid and I have been too angry to address some things. Well, after a talk with Mike and some prayer I knew what I had to do and that was to talk. Just have simple phone calls off and on. Talk with my father like I talked with my mother. I started the first call. Wasn't able to talk much. Then we missed eachother's calls for a couple of days. This morning I caught him and after dispensing with the pleasantries my father is the one who open up the door to talking about the past. I couldn't believe some of the things I said but I had to. I took a breath and pulled up the courage and started talking. His phone ended up going dead but he was able to tell me before it did and to say we would talk later. It is amazing how something that was so big and obstrusive in my mind was started so simply. I am very happy and I thank God for this moment.


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