Friday, April 15, 2005

Health Care...Stay Sick

The numbers of people who come to my place of employment, who need health care...people in lots of pain...people addicted to narcotic medications...people calling in tears...people who have no other choice...have no money, pulling what they can out of their pockets to have a doctor see them for 15 minutes before having to rush on to the next sick person...maybe more sick than you...maybe less sick...but no one knows...everyone gets 15 minutes...the boss man saying, "We need more bodies in here. More people to make more money."...he's not here when a mother and sick child have to wait an hour and a half to be seen..."I thought I had an appointment. Does an appointment not mean anything?"..."get 'em in get 'em out"...a factory of flowing because of sickness...he drives a Mercedes...flies on airplanes...slicked back hair and a physique only allowed for those who have the money and the time...all paid for by people spending their last buck to get well only to have to come back and start all over...get their prescription...go to the pharmacy..."We don't carry this"..."That needs pre-authorization"..."We don't carry the generic brand" back/come back...needing meds...oh, but you had 15 minutes...make another appointment...wait another day..."bring your insurance card doesn't cover this..."Did you pay your deductible?"..."We don't accept this insurance. We can't see you"..."You have an outstanding bill. Your insurance doesn't cover that"...having your health is having everything, don't take it for granted.


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