Saturday, April 16, 2005

Forgiving and Loving

My next big hurdle...forgiving my father. **** and I have talked about this. He has been so supportive and understanding. It is actually because of him that I finally feel able to really talk to my father about the past. He strongly encouraged me to do so, saying that being able to forgive is to put the past behind you...not letting it affect your is a sign of how much you love yourself...I think it is also a sign of how much love you can give others. I have known that I needed to forgive my father for some time but there was something missing..maybe it was the love of someone other than my immediate family...maybe it was knowing that someone wasn't afraid of me or my past pains...**** has become such a God-send for me. He is quickly becoming a close friend and confidant. There is an energy that I cannot explain nor have I felt with someone of the opposite sex. It is not sexual. It is not obessessive nor possessive. There is a freedom and a connection. An attraction that is complete...spiritual, physical, mental, emotional...a balance. I was told by a clarvoyent woman once that I would someday meet two men who would help me to learn to trust men again. **** is definitly one of them. I do not know if he is the first or the second but I know he is one of them.


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