Friday, April 08, 2005

Friends With Potential

Things with **** are AWESOME!!! This decision to redefine our relationship has been so healthy and freeing. Basically we are doing the opposite of whatever we did in the past. There is this openness and freedom that wasn't there before. I guess we lifted the weight of "commitment". I think it was too early for that. Now we are friends with potential and it fits us well. We talk more now than before and question less. What hasn't changed is the level of honesty and effort to communicate with each other.

He is getting really excited about going to Korea. We have been looking at jobs and tomorrow we scan our documents and start sending them off. I am looking forward to it. I met his mother yesterday....she is a very kind and warm woman.

I was afraid of what was going to happen. I am happy that I let go of that fear and tried this. I am truly having the kind of relationship I had always envisioned for myself.


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