Thursday, March 31, 2005

Breaking Bad Habits

I am starting to feel sick. There is a pretty bad flu going around and I hope I don't have it. Lucky me, I work in a doctor's office so I got tested without needing an appointment...a long q-tip stuck up both of my nostrils.

I am really enjoying my job. As I have gotten more used to things I must say things are really awesome. I am connecting well with my co-workers and have gained a bit of respect amongst the folks here. You have to prove yourself in some situations and I think that work is one of those places.

...I am not SICK!! YEAH!!! but **** is VERY sick. He has the flu really bad. I think I over did it with the "let me take care of you" gene women seem to possess. The first day he was really sick I spoke to my mom about what he needed (my mom's a nurse) then I went to the store to buy a bunch of stuff. Although he appreciated it, it was too much...he said. I did the same thing last night...he called today to give me an update and talk...and told me that the Nyquil would have been enough...everything else was too much.

I think I have hit the "break the bad habits" stage. I have a bad habit of calling...taking the initiative too much. I have a bad habit of "mothering" people who are grown. I have a bad habit of investing too much in a romantic relationship too soon.

AHHH HAAAAA!!! I just figured something out. I think part of the reason I put so much energy into other people is because it diverts my attention from what I need to be doing for myself. If I were truly doing the things I needed to be doing right now, then things would be a bit more balanced and realistic. I am realising that this is so connected to me being more attentive and atuned to myself. To be able to be respectful of others boundaries I have be sure about my own and be fulfilling my own needs. This is all about boundaries and people get uncomfortable when boundaries are crossed.

Okay, cool! Adalia gets a growing moment. I have been thinking that I needed to get myself on a schedule and start doing somethings that I have got to do and have been putting off. Yep! this is it. I can 't wait to get home.


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