Monday, January 10, 2005

People, a Phone, Jobs, and a Car

Man last Wendsday at work was CRAZY!!! The phones were ringing off the hook and there were patients everywhere. I ended up getting off later. It was also the day my cousins were here so getting off late was a bummer. I had so many people to call but I was also catching phone calls and trying to help the patients. I don't feel all that confident doing that yet because I really don't have enough experience to be able to tell someone who they need to see.

The cool thing is that I am more comfortable around the people I work with. I ended up leaving my phone at work. I got home before I realised it. Then Tasha called to tell me that my phone was there...that they were leaving in 5-10 minutes. I just told her to turn it off and I'd get it the next day. I didn't want them waiting for me. Then a few minutes later the phone rings again and this time it's my grandma...the one my cousins are visiting in Virginia...she asked me if I got my phone. I thought it was odd that she would be calling me. Well, apparently when Tasha went through the contacts list she saw "MOM" but it is my mother's mother...not my mother and she called my grandma asking if she was my mother. Of course my grandma was like, "I am in Virginia" and was a little confused then told Tasha that she was my grandmother. We all got a laugh out of it. It was wierd how that little incident really broke the ice with me and Tasha.

Then there is Arlene who is from Hawaii and we got to talking and she loves dancing too. So we are going to go out dancing together...real cool woman.

Then there is Phyllis, the woman who is the supervisor. I have been so impressed with her. I admire her ability to keep her cool when things are really hectic. She can actually work with me without getting impatient. I am watching her closely. I am not good at keeping my cool when too much is going on all at once. She also rides motorcycles which is something I have always wanted to do.

On Friday there was a bit of an incident in which a patient became really violent verbally and it was pretty tense. The cops were called and escorted them out. The woman that the verbal abuse was directed towards was really shaken up by it...all day. She handled herself well in the situation and it wasn't until after that she really got upset.

My mother and I were talking about me getting a second job. We both agreed that I should work as a substitute teacher so now we are looking at getting a car. As a matter of fact, I need to finish this up so that I can go to the school district office and apply.


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