Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Notes to Remember

As I am packing to head back overseas I am coming across beautiful memories. Some I am keeping and putting in storage and some I am throwing away...but not before transferring them to electronic memory.

This note was left for me by a new friend after she had graciously let me stay at her home after a night of Salsa dancing. We stayed up even later talking.

"Adalia, Thanks for staying up chatting and sharing so openly. I've been praying for some good friends and I was really encouraged sharing what I have been working through lately. Hope this verse (vs) encourages you as much as it does for me." ~ K

How precious are my thoughts of you.
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
Psalms 139:17-18

These are notes written on small slips of paper following speeches I gave in Toastmasters when I lived in South Korea. Some are very enduring and speak to my heart to this day. Positive reinforcement goes a long way...even years later.

Dear Adalia, Thanks for your dinner. Do you know that's why I held my housewarming party? I love you and your speech. ~H

Thank you for sharing your stories. I hope that you can enjoy more of the rest of time in Korea. ~ :)

It was really impressive speech Adalia. "Be at peace" is the hardest and the easiest words that we can have inside of our mind. Thank you for that you make me come to think about this subject.

I am really happy to hear from your voice and speech in this meeting room. Here is the place where I have to be on every Sunday. Thank you and I like you. ~ M

Adalia: I would like to see people learn from your generous spirit.

Adalia, you spoke very expressively about your personal life experiences and your learning experiences in Korea. Excellent.

Dear Adalia, I loved your speech. It was very touched and inspired me to keep up with all I'm heading and facing. Thanks for sharing your experience and your speech will remind me of that I should try harder for my next speech too. ~ :)

Adalia, your speeches are always very inspiring and well done! ~ K

Dear Adalia, your evaluation was really inspiring and encouraging. As you said before, you have no boyfriend 'cause you are 22 smart. ~ H (I had to laugh at this one....hahahahaha!!)

Adalia, personally, I think, Baha'i people are very smart. You too. ~ :) (Another laugh...LOL!!)

Dear Adalia, It was a brilliant idea that you put poetry into your speech for the project "Vocal Variety". Thanks for the beautiful poems! I loved them! ~ S

'Positive thoughts' is the most difficult thing that we can have, at the same time, it is the most simple thing that we can have. Thank you for helping me to have the positive thoughts. Your speech was really inspiring. I think I've got to go bookstore and get a book that published by Abdul- Baha. You did really good job. You're awesome! ~ K

Your speech gave me an inspiration and idea about 'forgiveness'. Thanks Good! ~ S

Adalia, Thank you for sharing with everyone the reason you came here and the importance of doing things for more than selfish reasons. Excellent job on presentation and form. Format was well clear and helped me with my prep for my third speech.

Adalia, Thanks for the inspiring speech. You reminded me of how taking an action important is. It was a great speech, and I am very happy I have an awesome friend like you. :) ~S

Hello Adalia, I hope you get married soon. Please let me know before. ~ H (I remember getting this note and laughing because it had nothing to do with my speech topic. She is a close friend.)

Adalia, your speech was powerful and very well prepared. It looked like your 10th speech, "Inspire Your Audience". Your voice and eye contact as well as gesture were very good. You sound like a prof. counselor and motivational speaker in a recording. Superb speech! I loved it.
~ B


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