Tuesday, December 28, 2004

What 2 Do?

I don't feel like I will be accepted into the program in New York. I felt completely inadequate and unprepared. Talking with my mon today we decided that if I am not accepted I will apply to other universities and similar programs for next year. I know that if I am accepted than I am meant to be there. I thought I was until I walked into the building and all these people began arriving.

I like the fact that my mom is so supportive. I also like the fact that I was given this window of time to get myself together. To get things on track. It seems odd that I would have so much time on my hands. I am trying to figure out what to do with myself. I can think of a million things.

I am pretty sure that I will start tutoring some Ruhi classes. I am also looking at getting into a fitness club...doing some exercising...taking pilates. I will only be working part time so I have so much time in the morning. I will also be looking at doing some volunteer work. We'll see.


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