Friday, July 20, 2007

Looking Back

my life has been touched by so many beautiful and spirit filled people. so much light and brilliance. i feel the person i am today is a composite of small parts of each of their lights. these past few years in korea have been a journey. the years before a life of beauty now a life of brilliance.

my first year here it was Soo Halmoni, Tara, Aimee, Jenny and Rob, Kapono, Chahn, Dong-Wan, Kwang-Hee, Ji-Woong, jazz dance class, my Hip-Hopucation class. a lovely year filled with wonder, newness, comfort, love.

my second year here i was given a brother Ji-Woong and a sister Sopia and unforgetable friends Kat, Hajir, Faysal, Tom, Janet, Heather, Janet Jung, Keebe, Irene, Hyun-Ah, Sook-Young, Moon-Sung. an incredible year where i began to come out of myself more and experienced the energy and love of having a core group of Baha'i friends.

my third and forth years here brought my amazing brother Vahid here, i discovered the beauty of having very deep connections with women; Janet Jung, Adrianne, Sarah, Sopia, Camille, Iyabo, Zhaleh, Magedela, Kathleen (my soul's twin), Counsellor Chung, Lina, Ed, Helen, Joey...i saw many friends leave and was momentarily heartbroken when the Ever Providing Divine sent me even more friends. i was also given the most wonderful gift of being able to lead someone to the Faith, Seung-Woo, who has flourished and become an active part of the community. i ventured into a realtionship and had the healthiest and sweetest connection ever with a man. probably the greatest bulk of my growth has taken place over these past two years. some of my lowest moments were during this time but i had such a support system that i always knew everything was alright.

a funny thing happened today. it is so lovely how pure and intuitive children can be. i was covering a friends classes this week. today was my last day. i got to talking with the students. of course they asked me questions as i asked them quetions. when one boy realised that i had no children he asked me, "are you lonely?" that kind of question deserves a real answer so i answered, "sometimes." he looked at me for a moment and seemed satisfied with my answer.

yesterday i received a phone call from one of my kindergarten students from last year, Cavin. he and his family were on their way to Malaysia for vacation. i was so surprised that he called and we had a funny, broken conversation.

these are the souls, the small moments that have made my life really sweet. made everything worthwhile. all of the choices i have made, prayerfully and otherwise find meaning when seen through the brilliance of love.


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