Sunday, July 02, 2006

Never Ceasing Healing

I had another strange dream a few weeks ago. In it I am trying to take a shower but I am covered in layer after layer of clothes. The need to "get clean" was so strong. I was getting so frustrated and my arms and elbows began to ache because of the effort...trying to remove the layers of shirts, sweaters, pants...When I woke I knew what the dream meant. I could feel it. I came to Korea with so much hurt. Well even before Korea there was so much hurt. It has taken me years to pull off all the "skin" the layers of pain, loss and sadness. And after all that effort I am still trying to "get clean". Sometimes, lately, I have been feeling suffocated. I wake up with so much anxiety and I don't know what it is. I know that I am deeply intuitive and it has taken me a long time to listen to it. I am not depressed. I am not lonely. I am not worried financially. It can only be spiritual and something in me that still needs healing.


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