Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lovin' the Stone Age

If I had the patience to sit here and write all kinds of creative tidbits, I would, but I don't have the patience. I don't have the time so I write all of those creative tidbits in a notebook that I have come to love. I bought a few completely by accident but it has been the best I have had so far. They are light, bendable, and thin enough to fit anywhere. I take it with me where a computer would be a pain the ass to take, camping, on the subway, riding on the bus, on a road trip. I don't have to worry about it being stolen or becoming heavy or charging a battery. I just make sure I have enough pencils and even they are easy enough to find if necessary. A friend of mine in the army once told me that writing with a pencil is easier to preserve if the paper gets wet. It is true and so now that is all I use. Not to mention that I can erase things easily too. So I guess in some ways I am not a computer convert. I love the feel of paper and pencil.


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