Sunday, July 02, 2006

Efrain Garcia

I met a pretty cool guy last night. He is a musicican and he dances. Of course he is much more but I still have yet to really get to talk to him. We talked about so much but there is so much more to say. The annoying thing is that he is leaving two days to be exact.

I think about timing and how perfect it is if one just allows for time just to be. If had met him 3 years ago I probably would not have even spoken to him. I was not in a good place inside. He was also 3 years younger and probably still had things to learn about himself. Now I have this really small window just to have the opportunity to connect with someone and know that there are no expectations because there can't be any.

It is wierd to me that after coming to terms with my father on things from my past and being at peace with where he is, I am able to demand from myself to settle for nothing less than the qualities that are important to me. So far I have met two men who have shown me that I am not wrong for wanting these qualities or that they are too much to ask for. I will just be at peace with that knowledge and thank God for strength and growth.


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