Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Seeing Myself

She didn't see herself as others saw her. She saw nothing. Not a physical person. Not a woman. She just didn't see herself. She felt happiest when she was moving. Her feet, heart, mind all moving in perfect harmony with the melody, rhythm, beat. She was seperate. She was body. She was spirit.

She didn't see herself as others saw her. She was a non-entity. Simply another person amongst the mass of humans. She could feel eyes on her. Her so in love with the music and the dance was oblivious. She saw love in the act.

She didn't see herself as others saw her. He saw her dance and took her hand. She thought it was her. He broke her heart. He saw the love. He saw the dance.

She didn't see herself as others saw her. "You dance like a queen" he said, lifting her heart. She smiled the power of the sun. She danced like God was in her feet.

She didn't see herself as others saw her. "You are a sexy dancer" girlfriend said. Tears rushed to her eyes "I don't mean to be" was her reply. She thought that maybe she had corrupted her love. "No, it is your love that makes the dance so sensual. You can dance alone. There is beauty in that kind of confidence. You love and that energy blended with the movement makes it sexy."

She doesn't see herself as others see her. She never will. She is connected with her body now when she moves. She recognises that she is not invisible. She is wiser about the eye that makes the love a physical thing. She is learning to see when it is her. When it is the dance. She is beginning to understand that maybe it is the God in her. The God in the mass of humans making all things one. She sees her soul's body. She is happiest when she was moving. Her feet, heart, mind all moving in perfect harmony with the melody, rhythm, beat.


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