Thursday, July 09, 2009

Another Chapter Closes

Today is my last day of classes. I am finished with the masters program at Coastal. It has been a magical year in many ways. I have gone through amazing shifts internally spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. I have made some very special people my dear friends. I definitely know that I do not want to be a public school teacher for long. I have been disappointed with the end of the program. So few of my classes were very helpful and I am discovering at the end of it all, that it is about who you know that gets you a job. I am looking at lots of options at the moment.

Also, I have met someone and the timing could not be better. Right as I am finishing this program I get the chance to meet and build with an amazing man. It seems that all of the lessons I have learned over the past 7 years have made this relationship possible. I don't think I have done anything the same with him and I feel so healthy. I do know one thing I struggle with is trust. As I get to know him better I start trusting him more but it is a difficult process tearing down the protective walls. At one time I was very trusting and years of mistakes and hurts have made me skittish. There is something deeply beautiful when you know that you have met someone worthy of trust. It not only makes that relationship stronger but it also helps me to trust myself.

I don't know what the next year will bring. There are a few possibilities on the horizon. I will just take it one day at a time, pray, look to the future while living firmly in the present.


Blogger ryran said...

"There is something deeply beautiful when you know that you have met someone worthy of trust."
I hear that! Beautiful indeed.

PS: "Also, I have met someone and the timing could not be better." <--- I've met someone too and it's the same for me!! Crazy!

10:54 AM  

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