Monday, December 06, 2004

Day 1: Best Beloved

O SON OF SPIRIT! The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice is interesting how the person reading this is addressed...O Son Of Spirit...already there is the understanding that at the core of us we are spiritual. That our true essence is spirit. Son is usually the title given to male offspring but in this context...son is a general term applying also to females. So we are the offspring of spirit. Pretty cool considering that most of the time it seems that humanity continues to behave as if there is no spiritual reality.

...The best beloved of all things in My sight is Justice... ahhh, there is that word love, nicely placed between be and d. Something that is beloved has a special place in your heart. Usually we use it to refer to a person but in this context it is a spiritual principle that is beloved. Not only is it beloved but it is the best. In the sight or eyes of God...when He looks into the hearts of His creations or into the world and the choices we make, He loves to see Justice. To see us treating one another justly...treating ourselves justly. Further on in the passage there is a definition of justice presented. It is for more beautiful and understandable than the justice that many of us imagine.


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